Wednesday, June 26, 2013

[Review] Khun Chai Tharatorn

Khun Chai Tharatorn is a cautious archaeologist dealing with love that he must choose. He is the eldest that looks after his brothers after their parents passes away. He has the pressure of his promise fiance from another family on his shoulders. He is very focused when it comes to studying historic sites, yet not knowing that this time he will also discover his own heart too. This is a story between two people who has fond feelings for one another ever since they were children. Love will appear in the middle of an antiques robbery in which it was when those two get a chance to prove their heart.

I will review this part of the series for you guys since I have already have finish this part a long time ago. 

Grate Warintorn Panhakarn | Preem Ranida

Mint Natwara Wongwasana | Deaw Suriyon Aroonwattakul

These four are the main characters in this story. 

Grate Warintorn Panhankarn as Khun Chai Tharatorn or Pee Chai Yai
Preem Ranida as Mom Luang Raweerumpai or Maprang or Prang or Tawan
Mint Natwara Wongwasana as Katesara Taewprom or Kate or Kongkrit
Deaw Suriyon Aroonwattanakul as Chinnakorn

To begin this review I would start off with the fact that I love the cast of this part of the series. Well let get started then. Grate plays Khun Chai Tharatorn or Pee Chai Yai, who is an archaeologist and a professor while Preem who plays Maprang is a student of Khun Chai Tharatorn; but they both know each other since they were little. Mint plays Kate, who is the promise fiance to Khun Chai Taratorn because of a promise his father left before his death, while Deaw plays Chinnakorn who is also a archaeologist and a professor along as a friend of Khun Chai Tharatorn. 

Key: Khun Chai Yai = Grate; Prang/Tawan = Preem; Kate/Kongkrit = Mint; Chinnakorn = Deaw

Basically starts off with Khun Chai Yai and Chinnakorn were going to work as professor at a school together while taking about archaeologist work too. We then quickly meet the main girl (n'ek) Prang who is a student in Khun Chai Yai class too. We also quickly learn that Prang loves Khun Chai Yai more than a brother since they grew up together too, although Khun Chai Yai doesn't see it. We also get to meet the brothers too.

Pope Tanawat Wattanaputi (Khun Chai Pawornruj/Ruj) | Jame Jirayu Tangsrisuk (Khun Chai Puttipat/Pat)

Bomb Tanin (Khun Chai Rachnon/Lek) | James Ma (Khun Chai Ronapee/Pee)

A dance/party was celebrate for the Khun Chai Pat and Khun Chai Lek who came back from their studies in a foreign country (I don't remember) while Khun Chai Pee came back from visiting them and traveling. They also found about the promise their father have made to the Taewprom family that one of the son have to married one of their daughter. Khun Chai Yai, being the oldest of the son will take the responsibilities of that promise. While at the party they met the daughters of the Taewprom family, but also Khun Chai Ruj found out that Prang likes Khun Chai Yai. Chinnakorn has also found the girl he meet at the market one day who happen to be Kate. 

After Prang father have a medical issue, she decide to go on the same trip that her father is going with Khun Chai Yai and Chinnakorn to a historic site. The fact is that she couldn't go as a girl and she can't be alone since she will be the only girl there, Khun Chai Yai decide to ask Kate for help. Kate agree to go with Prang but disguised as boys to go on the trip. Prang is watching her father behind his back and taking care of him, but she doesn't know that her father was suspicion already. 

As the story progress in the forest, robbers have rob the historic sites and taken all the goods to go sell, they all face some hard issue. Not until one was hurt that Chinnakorn found the truth that they were girls and not boys. Khun Chai Yai's brother have also step in to help when he need help too. We also discover that this brother have a great bromance too. 

At the end Khun Chai Yai decide to married Kate, since her father said that her status is now ruin, but he now know about how Prang feel too. Kate also know how Prang feels too and at the end they didn't get married. Kate finally told Khun Chai Yai that there is someone else who love him who happen to be Prang who isn't at the wedding because she was going to leave the country for her studies. Although her status was also ruin, she rather take it herself since it was her idea to begin with. On her way to the airport she was stop and Khun Chai Yai finally propose to her, but he let her go to study and after her study they would get married. After Khun Chai Yai left to stop Prang, Chinnakorn finally admit his feel to Kate and propose to her and she accepts it, so Khun Chai Yai wouldn't feel bad. 

At the end Khun Chai Yai and Prang sends letter to each other but we also see Khun Chai Ruj getting a head start into his story and part.

This part was really interesting and it really grab me into the other parts too. Although this part develop really slowly and it pretty boring at some parts I grew to love it. It really sets up the rest of the story or other part. If you don't watch this part you won't really understand the other parts. What I really like was the bromance between the brothers. They are all so cute too. Here is a picture of all the brothers. 

I really like Kate role too, since she doesn't play the mean vicious bad character, but she plays the role of caring and wanting the best for other people. 

Well this the end, looking forward to the next review of the second brother:) 

xoxo, Linda:) 


  1. I have watched this lakorn too and it was pretty good. haha. I finished watching Khun Chai Toratorn in June and it was kind of funny when the girls had to pretend to be boys haha.

  2. Yep, seeing how Thai directors make girls turn into guys is really different from seeing how Korean directors make girls turn into guys:)
