I deiced to start a new challenge this time with this one:) HAHA XD I just love challenges I guess:)
Things Challenge
1. 10 things
about your appearance (clothes, face, hair, height, smile, piercings, tattoo’s)
2. 10 things
you do every single day
3. 10 things
about your personality
4. 10 of
your favorite foods
5. 10 things
about your family
6. 10 things
about your friends
7. 10 of
your favorite people (no particular order)
8. 10 things
you’re ashamed of
9. 10
favorite bands or artists (no particular order)
10. 10
things you absolutely hate
11. 10
things you love
12. 10
random facts
13. 10
things you did today
14. 10
things you wish you could do
15. 10 reason
to be proud of who you are